Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Last Blog Post

Top 10 reasons to use technology in my classroom

1. It lends itself well to be utilized in best practice for students
2. It facilitates student/teacher connections by its very nature
3. It eases work of teacher with record keeping, clerical issues
4. It could be integrated flawlessly into project based learning
5. It's relevant in students lives
6. It can, when used properly, lend itself well to higher level thinking skills
7. Many technological tools are dynamic with back-and-forth interaction
8. It allows for cheap, easy, and instant communication between students from different parts of the world
9. It allows for a potentially global audience for student's works and sharing of ideas
10. Since technological progress is inevitable teaching students using current technologies sets them up for success in their future employment.

Ok so they started to become - no particular order

Signing Off - Chris Yoder

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Computer Architecture Week 4

The questions that were prompts for this week . . . How does this course and its content connect to me? Is it useful information that will help me in the future? If so how?

These are good questions for any course. The answer is that I feel this course actually helps me become a technology leader. Through this course and it's content, I feel more confident about the technical aspects of a computer. It's that relative confidence ( I say relative confidence because there's still more to learn and I'm keenly aware of all that I don't know) that directly translates to building wide technology leadership. When someone in the building comes to me with a technology problem I really think that because of this class I feel just a bit more confident about troubleshooting.

I really liked the Under the hood activity but still was never totally clear on what it was I was seeing and would have liked more information.

I enjoyed the alternative operating systems activity and enjoyed making the live CD.

The component activity took a lot longer than I thought though was very interesting.

Overall a useful class

Computer Architecture Week 3

Sometimes I wonder just how much of an environmentalist I really am. It was during some of the discussion of week 3 in which the topic was on the disposable nature of computers that got me thinking. I'm slowly trying to recycle more in my life and it's my goal to get a compost going. The disposable nature of our modern society disturbs me more and more. So my question is why am I OK with buying a new computer about every 5 years - sometimes less? Anyway, that's been my track record for the last 15 years or so.

Maybe it's the program ending but I find myself looking ahead to the future of technology and my prediction/hope is that we're going to see longer and longer life spans of computers and hardware.