Tuesday, September 30, 2008

CEDU 534 Week 4

Social Bookmarking seems like yet another way of connecting to people about information and content. As far as application to the classroom, this one seems more applicable to teachers in the classroom and to a lesser extent to students. Teachers can really benefit from peer to peer collaboration. I know that I've always benefited from this collaboration.

Over the last couple of weeks I've had an idea that I think would be a good one. Any school district (mine for example) could spend one inservice day hooking up all of their teachers in a social networking site of some kind. They could pitch it as fun and entertaining - posting pictures and at the same time posting cool lesson plans that they've done and evaluations about them. In addition to this why not give all of their teachers an account on a social bookmarking site. The growing number of teacher and education related sites is getting too big to keep track of. By having these this could really benefit all teachers and thus their students.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I agree that this would be a good tool to use with other educators. While reading the text, I just couldn't see using this tool constructively with students. But maybe that's the elementary perspective coming through!