Monday, July 14, 2008

CEDU 527 Educational Leadership Week 1

At the risk of divulging too much personal info I've just never viewed myself as much of a leader in any school setting. For whatever reason I tend to err on the side of not making myself look bad so as a result little to no leadership action of any kind is initiated by me in a professional setting within the staff dynamic. - At this point I want to clarify that I initiate plenty of great things within my classroom and within the classroom dynamic as opposed to a staff dynamic. So where's all this going. . .
I'm very much looking forward to this class. Week one certainly felt different than the other classes and It was nice to get into the rationale behind leadership. I like the premise of the information from this first class and that was that teachers , with the right conditions, are in a position to greatly influence their school. This message was simply very encouraging and positive. I also like the premise of the Gabriel book on teacher leadership and that is that there is a "science" behind teacher leadership and these skills can be taught and utilized by teachers. also an encouraging message.

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