Monday, March 24, 2008

CEDU 521 Summary

As this class wind down I'm thinking of my blog needed for the sum of the information gleaned. I like to think of this also in terms of an evaluation of the class itself. Prior to the class I was thinking of technology integration in terms of "The students are in the computer lab a lot? These guys know their stuff and their teacher must be great." It was only when I digested LoTi that I realized that the technology should be integrated into a product that produced or reflects higher level thinking. I guess I always kind of knew it but LoTi clarified it for me. This was connected to the other major piece of the class which was Project Based Learning. This was much more inspiring to me then I first thought it would be. To be quite honest, I feel I occasionally give assignments that are not meaningful and/or "busy work" in my class. I try not to and I think every teacher is guilty of it to some degree, but I feel these assignments bog down the class and me. PBLs are the remedy for this. They engage the students and the teachers. It's an easy way of getting technology into effective, higher level projects and has proven to be a real morale booster in a classroom. I'm excited to do more of this in the future.

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